

fiscal policy

  1. The policy of a government in controlling its own expenditures and taxation , which together make up the budget.

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A function of fiscal policy, along with monetary policy , is to regulate the level of economic activity, the price level, and the balance of payments . Fiscal policy also determines the distribution of resources between the public sector and the private sector and influences the distribution of wealth.
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Example Sentences

To this supporter of preemptive war and conservative fiscal policy, wars and tax cuts were two great tastes that went together.

Even so, there were signs of hope that fiscal policy is not completely off the table.

And he reiterated a plea for congressional leaders to work on more constructive fiscal policy.

“Fiscal policy is restraining economic growth, although the extent of restraint may be diminishing,” he said.

The economy needs assistance from two engines—monetary policy and fiscal policy.

There were also considerable alterations, the result of changes in the views respecting fiscal policy.

He is daily bombarded with the most diverse questions regarding the effects of the Government's fiscal policy.

Prosperity blesses our country; our fiscal policy is fixed by law, is well grounded, and generally approved.

They utilised it in endeavouring to obtain from the Government a direct statement of its future fiscal policy.

In England we are told it is our fiscal policy, known as Free Trade, while others say it is our monetary system.



